This is for the author’s paper with a summary of expectations from the authors. On this page, you will see why you can trust publishing with our journals
Special Viral Pathogens Journal [SVPJ] welcomes you
Special Viral pathogens Journal SVPJ is one of our journals that accepts for consideration previously unpublished and original articles about diagnosis, prevention, management, and control of diseases associated with all visits of human, plant, and animal importance.
Topics for our mechanism of viral parthenogenesis, Antiviral agents, innovations in the laboratory, and clinical diagnosis of viral infections. Manuscripts dealing viruses from the following viral families will also be considered: Papova, Adeno, Herpes, Pox, Parvo, Picorna, Paramyxo, Orthomyxo, Reo, Rhabdo, Toga, and flavi, Bunya, Retro, Hepatitis, Slow viruses, Prions, miscellaneous including vaccine in disease role.
Special parasite pathogens Journal
Special parasite pathogens Journal (SPPJ) will accept for consideration previously unpublished and original articles about diagnosis, prevention, management, and control of diseases associated with all parasites of human, plant, and animal importance. Other manuscripts which may be considered for publication in our journals include Anti-parasitic agents, mechanism of parasites pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis of parasites infections, the role of parasites in the induction and progression of diseases, innovations in host parasites interactions. If authors can prove that a normal floral has played a special role in causing a disease process, then such paper may be considered for publication.
Special Bacterial pathogens Journal
Special Bacterial pathogens Journal (SBPJ) will accept for consideration previously unpublished and original articles about diagnosis, prevention, management, and control of diseases associated with all bacteria of human, plant, and animal importance. Papers to be considered for publication must bring in the element of innovation because that is what makes the difference in making society a better place to be. This ultimately ushering in the anticipated sustainable development
Other manuscripts which may be considered for publication may include but not limited to: Antibacterial agents, mechanism of bacterial pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis of bacterial infections, the role of bacteria in the induction and progression of diseases, innovations in host bacterial interactions. If authors can prove that a normal floral has played a special role in causing a disease process, then such a paper may be considered for publication.