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Special Pathogens Research Network Ltd. +256700488917 [email protected]
Excellence Beyond Expectation !

Capacity building Activities

Activities to build capacity locally for improved molecular diagnostic research and empowering local health care providers in diagnosis, prevention and control of tropical infections associated with a group of microorganisms called special pathogens because they are either neglected, misdiagnosed or um-diagnosed [www.spparenet.us] is one way to reduce mortality rate and invariably impact on the economy. Therefore we propose to  train 500 health workers and researchers in special pathogen associated disease diagnosis, using molecular biology, Bioinformatics, Microscopy, Quality assurance and overall disease diagnosis, management and care, over a period of 5years.

Our terms of reference may include but not limited to:

  1. Identification of Microbial agents of disease using PCR technologies
  2. Result Oriented data generation, analysis, and others in a data management workshop
  3. Epidemiological survey of tropical diseases of public health importance in resource poor settings
  4. Resolution of complex disease outbreak involving polymicrobial agents using Multilocus sequence typing techniques, [MLST] Micro-satelight gene analysis etc
  5. Characterization of MTB and other Mycobacteria using RFLP and  MIRU-VNTR-MTB
  6. Analysis of drug efficacy and target using proteomics and other technologies
  7. Prevent disease out break using Vaccine discovery and health promotion
  8. Predict and prepare for disease out break using different modern technologies
  9. Organize meetings and conferences as a forum for data sharing
  10. Dignostic tool development to make up for imported alternatives
  11. Response to disease out break using in-debt laboratory investigations

Drug discovery Activities

Activities on drug discovery and therapeutics validation  unit prospects for bio-active compounds is working to find local herbal alternatives to imported drug to ensure that the ordinary citizens are given the chance to access good health services.

Antibiotic effects of herbal extracts and microbial secretions are tested for active compounds that may serve as Biological active principles with the ultimate goal of providing solutions for diseases in the following areas of medicine:

  • Hematology & Oncology
  • Immunology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Cardiovascular
  • Critical Care
  • Dermatology
  • Neuroscience
  • Dental Pain Research
  • Endocrine and Metabolics
  • Gastroenterology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Respiratory
  • Urology



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