The governance structure
Governance of the network is with the leadership structure of the network which is divided into several levels to show how the rank and file of the networks activities are represented.
Top Executives Council (TEC)
This is made of DG b. Chairman BRD c. Secretary General/Legal Adviser to SEC d. Treasurer.
The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Top executive Council (TEC) that constitutes the final overall decision making body of SPARE-NET LTD. The TEC shall have all the powers vested on it by SPARE-NET LTD to make decisions concerning policy, management, administrative, technical, personnel, financial and other necessary decisions which should help SPARE-NET LTD to achieve its objectives.
Approval of all recommendations from SRC including the type and scope of projects to be executed, how much it should cost, who should be involved, what is at stake, what will be the benefits, how it will help SPARE-NET LTD achieve its objective and so on shall be their responsibility. All documents tabled for consideration must have been debated and recommended for approval by SRC. They shall take all responsibilities for all decisions made including success and failure.
Supreme Research Council (SRC)
This is made of: a. Chairman of SRC (DG) b. Chairman of BRD c. All Professors and former Directors d. Secretary General/Legal Adviser to SRC e. Treasurer f. Patrons/Advisors g. Representative of any organization(s) funding a project in SPARE-NET LTD.
The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Supreme Research Council (SRC). This is the body of SPARE-NET LTD expected to make the final research decision before recommendations are sent to the TEA for approval. No activity wholly or partly shall be started by SPARE-NET LTD unless approved by the TEA. Approval of all recommendations from BRD including the type and scope of projects to be executed, how much it should cost, who should be involved, what is at stake, what will be the benefits, how it will help SPARE-NET LTD achieve its objective and so on shall be their responsibility.
All documents to be sent for the consideration of the TEA must be debated and recommended to the TEA for approval by SRC. If any document is not approved by SRC, it may be sent back to the BRD for amendment or correction to meet stipulated guidelines before it is returned to the SRC for reconsideration. No document shall be sent to the SRC without being approved by the BRD. The SRC shall also serve as the ethical review Board of all projects to be sent out by SPARE-NET LTD for funding.
Board of Research Directors:
This is made of: a. Chairman BRD b. DG c. Chairman SRC d. Chairman CRF e. All Directors
The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Board of Research Directors (BRD). This is the body of SPARE-NET LTD made of all leaders of specified special pathogen research units. They shall meet from time to time to discuss challenges emerging from each research project under their leadership and seek opinion to improve standards and performance.
Result updates and research proposals, shall be presented to this group for scrutiny, direction, standard, quality and anticipated outcome. Progress report of committees shall also be presented to this Board for review. It is only results and proposals approved by the BDR that should be sent to the SRC for consideration.
Congress of Research Fellows (CRF)
This is made of: a. Chairman CRF b. Chairman SRC c. Chairman BRD d. DG e. All research follows
The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Congress of Research Fellows (CRF). All research fellows belongs to this group and shall have 5 committees each headed by a research director. SPARE-NET LTD through its governing bodies shall operate through the following committees whose duty would be to ensure its mandates are achieved. These shall form the five working committees through which SPARE-NET LTD shall operate. It shall comprise of research fellows and directors. Each committee shall be headed by a research director. The Director General shall act as the defector head of all committees
Working Committees
The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Working committees shall include but not limited to
a. The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Grant management and implementation committee that oversees the grant execution, time line, feasibility studies, fund acquisition usage and accountability, actual intervention.
b. The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Grant acquisition committee responsible for Sourcing for calls for proposal, advising members on who qualifies to contribute on what proposals based on the research interests, proposal development and submission.
c. The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Monitoring and evaluation committee that determines research progress and ensures compliance to donor stipulated guide lines are followed, outline observed deviations and recommend quick action, prepares and obtains accountability details.
d. The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Continues professional development committee that organize Annual general meetings, identifies need for training courses and organizes such upon approval after due process, control CPD activities, is the associate editor of special pathogens journal [SPAJ] which shall be the official journal of SPARE-NET LTD.
e. The governance structure of this network demands the establishment of Quality control committee mandated to sets reference standards, develop experimental precautions and standard operational procedures. Ensures reproducibility and other quality assessments meets international standards